Affiliate program
Proxy Solutions

Our affiliate program will let you earn up to 25% royalties of all clients you lead. And that is not all...
Who is interested in our program

Do you have an audience in your website or blog?

You are the owner of: blogs, rating sites, groups on social networks, channels on Telegram or Youtube.

Do you have clients?

You are a freelancer or the owner and administrator of services/programs related to the automation of the work of webmasters.

Do you organize events

You are an organizer of online and/or offline events.

Your creativity can help lead a large number of referrals. Create your own unique method of attracting clients!

Benefits of our program


royalties up to 25%

Offer your referrals up to 10% discount and receive up to 25% royalties

withdrawal from $50

The minimum withdrawal amount is $50. Monthly payment order.

promotion tools

Wide selection of partner materials.


Offer your referrals only reliable modern developments.
Frequently asked questions
How many royalties will I receive?

It all depends on your affiliate level. The higher the level, the higher the percentage of royalties.

You can maximum receive up to 25% royalties from each payment made by your referral on the site.

Do you work with any websites?
We do not work with sites that distribute various “black” and “gray” schemes or mislead their users. You can find a detailed list of prohibited sites in the terms of the affiliate program.
Can your proxies be used for everything?
We ourselves do not impose any restrictions on the use of the proxies that we sell. However, we prohibit violating the laws of the country in which the server is located.
How to become an affiliate?
Чтобы стать партнером вам достаточно заполнить . После ее заполнения, вам будет выдан доступ в личный кабинет, и вы сразу сможете привлекать своих рефералов и получать отчисления с их оплат.

Start earning money with us

Share your link and promo code everywhere!
In messengers, social networks and in comments
In reviews and rating sites
On your website, blog and forum
In signatures and comments on forums
Join the program and start earning with Proxy Solutions!
I accept the terms affiliate program